Saturday, May 31, 2008


This is a picture of the front garden of my house, taken last month. The reason I am including it in my 23things blog is because the amarylis pictured was given to me by Geri Kelly for my birthday several years ago when I was the west area floater. They lived in a pot when we lived in an apartment and were moved to the garden when we bought the house. Aren't they pretty? Amarylis blooms are always a surprise because the plant only blooms once a year (if at all) so I never expect them. They make any dull morning brighter with their glorious colors. Thanks Geri!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

blogging in libraries

Since I'm a few weeks behind most other people, I have been able to read co-works blogs before creating my own. The most important thing I 've learned is how interresting my co-workers are. Even though we work together everyday, we don't get to know them very well. Particularly when someone works in a different department even if its in the same building. Therefore, the most important way that blogs can be used in libraries is communication between staff. The better we know each other, the more we will work as a team.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Habits of Lifelong Learners

The hardest thing for me will be not getting fustrated with technology. For example, how I just wrote a post and then somehow lost it and now I'm doing it again. I guess this is how you learn